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Ryan Dossey Review

Ryan Dossey Review is a real estate investor who closes over 70 off-market deals each year. He learned about real estate investing on sites like Bigger Pockets and started wholesaling. His first year was tough, but he persevered. Now, he has a full-time job and makes over $10K a month.

He also owns a telemarketing company called Call Porter and a hand-written mailer service, Ballpoint Marketing. He also uses a CRM tool called RESimpli to manage his real estate business.

Ryan Dossey Review: Is His Create Cash Flow (CCF) Program Worth $10,000? - Ippei Blog

Ryan Dossey is a real estate investor who makes deals on more than 70 houses each year. He says that this success gives him financial freedom and time to spend with his family. He describes his rags-to-riches story, noting that he didn’t finish high school and used to earn $23,000 a year. His program, Create Cash Flow (CCF), offers training and support to help you get started in the business. It also includes tools such as Ballpoint Marketing, Call Porter, and RESimpli, a customer relationship management system. CCF is expensive, but it’s worth the money for those who want to learn how to invest in real estate.

The course consists of a series of videos and PDF guides that teach you the ins and outs of real estate investing. It also provides a Slack community group and two live group coaching calls. Ryan is an excellent teacher and takes the time to answer questions and guide his students. He has a lot of experience in the real estate industry and is very knowledgeable about the business.

Create Cash Flow also offers a wide range of software programs, including PropStream for data collection and Investor Carrot for website templates. These programs are a great way to get started in the real estate investing business and can save you a lot of time. Ryan has a reputation for being honest and transparent, which makes his courses worth the money.

One of the biggest obstacles for new investors is finding property deals. Ryan’s training teaches you how to find off-market properties and source them from private sellers. He also teaches you how to analyze property prices and negotiate with sellers. This will help you to make a profit when you buy and sell properties.

Another aspect of Ryan’s program that sets it apart from other real estate training is his focus on hand-holding. He offers a Slack community group and two weekly group coaching calls, and his curriculum is very thorough. Ryan is a true believer in real estate as a safe way to get rich, and he wants his students to succeed.


Ryan is a successful real estate investor who closes more than 70 off-market deals each year. His success gives him the financial freedom and time to spend with his family. He started his career in real estate by wholesaling homes, which is the process of finding distressed properties and putting them under contract for a low price before selling them on to other investors. Since then, he has developed several programs that help real estate investors, including Christopherellynhomes, ballpoint marketing, and Call Porter.

The company offers a simple and straightforward process that makes it easy for homeowners to sell their property. In addition, they provide a fair cash offer that reflects the actual value of the home. The company also buys houses in as-is condition, which saves sellers the money and hassle of making costly repairs or renovations before putting them on the market. This service can be especially helpful for inherited or abandoned homes.

Ballpoint Marketing

If you want to learn how to make a living as a real estate investor, Ryan Dossey is the man to look up to. He is a successful investor who has built a system that allows him to find deals and have team members negotiate them for him. He closed 73 units last year and has lots of experience with the BRRRR strategy. He also has a great story to share about how he got started in real estate and how he grew his business.

In today’s digital world, it is difficult to make your marketing efforts stand out from the crowd. However, adding a personal touch to your direct mail can help you generate more leads and increase your conversion rate. One company that specializes in handwritten marketing mailers for real estate investors is Ballpoint Marketing. Their postcards feature local imagery and a high-quality design that is sure to grab the attention of sellers. They are also easy to customize in bulk, saving you time and money.

The mailers are written by hand using blue point pens, making them look authentic and personal. In addition, they are sent in eye-catching envelopes that are designed to capture the attention of recipients. You can choose from a variety of designs, including comic cards and spring mailers. Each piece of mail is unique, and the company will even make actual smudges on some templates to create a more genuine look.

In addition to its handwritten marketing mailers, Ballpoint Marketing offers a variety of other services that can help you grow your business. They offer skip tracing, property reports, and other services to help you find motivated sellers. They also have a database of thousands of real estate investors who are willing to buy houses. This can save you a lot of time and money when trying to find properties.

Call Porter

Call Porter is a live real estate answering service that offers a number of impressive features. One of them is a call recording feature, which helps users track calls and assess their quality. This allows them to better train the Call Porter staff and make sure that the service is running smoothly. Another feature is a customizable script template that can be used to help the company’s agents have successful conversations with leads. The template is based on principles from the book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. The script can help the real estate agent create a conversation that charms and wins over a lead, or at least inspire them to take action.

In addition to its call recording and script template, Call Porter also provides other valuable tools for real estate investors. Its call control system enables the company to answer inbound calls from leads within minutes of their arrival. It also tracks each call’s time stamp, which can be useful for quality assurance purposes. This makes it easier for real estate investors to follow up on their leads.

Another advantage of using Call Porter is its low price compared to an in-house receptionist. Its live call answering service is staffed by a team of professional agents that are well-versed in real estate and can easily handle questions from leads. The company’s support staff is also available 24 hours a day to assist its clients.

Ryan Dossey is an experienced real estate investor and entrepreneur who has built a multi-million dollar portfolio of properties. He’s an established leader in the industry, consistently closing more than 70 off-market deals each year. His success has allowed him to achieve financial freedom and enjoy a lifestyle that he wants for himself and his family.

In order to succeed in real estate, you need to be a good marketer and understand how to generate leads. You must also know how to deal with potential obstacles. If you’re not familiar with these aspects of real estate investing, it may be difficult to get started. But if you’re willing to work hard and learn from experienced professionals, you can become a successful real estate investor.